Tuesday, July 28, 2009

So I'm sitting around the other day with a buddy of mine and he says he's decided to start chewing again, and he wanted to know if I wanted a dip. Well, I quit cold turkey about 14 years ago when my (then) little boy started walking around spitting. I will admit that there are many days when I think I could go for a pinch, but I think I'll hold off for at least a few more years. It did get me to thinking, though, about how many pounds off this stuff did we go through, and what ever happened to all that "soup starter" we left around town. If you're still chewin', I would suggest you quit, it can't be good for you. On the other hand, I'm sittin' on about $800 worth of Skoal coupons from some tobacco settlement, if you're interested, let me know....

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